
News and Press Releases

Château Gâteaux Position on Middle East Conflict

Château Gâteaux is committed to respecting all communities and does not condone any acts of violence.

Our business has no political affiliations and does not support any political party, organisation or country. As such, neither the business nor our shareholders disburse funds to support any social or political entity outside of South Africa.

We understand the complexities and the deep emotions involved in this situation and our primary goal will remain to operate with integrity and respect for all people, regardless of their background or beliefs.

As an employer of over 340 South Africans, the livelihoods and safety of our employees and brand ambassadors is our priority.

Our dedication is to deliver the Château Gâteaux experience you love and trust.

Kind Regards
Mpho Toolo
Managing Director Château Gâteaux (Pty) Ltd



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